List of Officers for 2017

First Elder: Mr. Lloyd Blake

Head Deacon: Mr. Anthony Brown

Head Deaconess: Ms. Eugenie Thorpe

Church Clerk: Mrs. Angella Brady

Sabbath School Superintendent: Mrs. Claudette Brown

Stewardship Leader: Mr. Lloyd Blake

Personal Ministries Leader: Mrs. Pauline Johnson

A.S.I. Representative: Mrs. Louise Thomas

Health Ministries: Mrs. Sophia Pullack

Community Services Leader: Mrs. Jacqueline Wright

AY Leader: Ms. Lloydette Blake

Pathfinder Leader: Mrs. Claudette Brown

Family Life Ministries: Mr. and Mrs. Cephas Brady

Women's Ministries: Mrs. Sharon Blake

Men's Ministries: Mr. Junior Wright

Children Ministries: Mrs. Sharon Blake

Education Secretary: Mrs. Joycelyn Haye

Communication Secretary: Miss Lloydette Blake